Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/410

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is my fault; the responsibility must rest on me. Let us search for the arrows together, even if we have to travel throughout Japan—nay, to the end of the world. So the sooner we can set out the better."

At her advice, Yoshiminé took heart and abandoned the idea of committing suicide. He then began to make preparations to search for the arrows. At this moment, the erstwhile buffoons appeared on the scene, dressed in full armour, at the head of a party of soldiers.

"Prepare for death, Yoshiminé!" cried they. "We are retainers of Lord Ashikaga Taka-uji. We waited on you, disguised as buffoons, in order to steal your arrows. Now that we have secured them, we will take your head to present it to our lord."

Yoshiminé was highly incensed, and encountered the soldiers with his great sword, and fought desperately for a while. But, although he was a master-hand at fencing, it was impossible for him to face such odds. He was gradually put on the defensive, and it looked every moment as if he would be struck down. But fortune favoured him. Just at that moment a brave officer of