Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/456

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with him the head of the dead Emperor. When Ri Kaihō found Madame Kwasei, he bound her with ropes, and was about to take her a prisoner to the Tartar army, when Go Sankei returned to the palace.

When he caught sight of the Emperor's headless body, he was filled with consternation and sorrow. But mustering up his courage he seized his sword, and with a single blow, cleft Kaihō in two. He then released Kwasei, and beating off the pursuing troops, made his way with great difficulty to a sea-port, accompanied by her, and carrying his infant in his bosom.

As he intended to cross over to a place of safety he looked about the harbour, but could not see a single boat. While he stood there, not knowing what to do or where to turn, bullets were falling as thick as hailstones. Suddenly to his horror, a bullet struck Kwasei in the breast, and she immediately fell to the ground, dead and covered with blood.

The brave warrior burst into tears of grief and despair, and for a time was at a loss what to do.

However, he pulled himself together, and said: "Her Highness is now no more but I think there