Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/85

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consent to your proposal without my father's permission, I shall be branded as a shameless girl. That was my only reason for not answering your numerous kind letters. Please pardon my seeming indifference."

"Excuse me if I interrupt you, my lady," broke in Arihira's servant, "but you need have no fears about that. I am sure your father will readily consent to my lord's proposal. Lord Arihira is descended from the illustrious Lord Kamatari, and he himself is a court noble of high rank. Your ladyship's consent is the only thing now necessary. Do not cause disappointment to my lord."

"Well," said she, blushing like a beautiful red rose, "if my father grants his permission, how can I refuse? If he gives his consent, I shall willingly be yours, Lord Arihira. But my beloved mother died during my childhood, and tomorrow is the thirteenth anniversary of her death. So I have taken a vow that I shall fast and pray for her soul for a hundred days, of which the first is tomorrow. Will you kindly wait until I have completed the fulfilment of my vow?"

"Willingly, my lady," answered Arihira, filled