Page:Tales from old Japanese dramas (1915).djvu/99

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"What insolence!" cried Kuronushi flushing angrily. "Apologize to me immediately, or you will not live another moment!"

"Then are you sure" asked Sadakagé again, quite undaunted, "it is your own work, sir?"

"Whose else can it be, insolent wretch?" cried Kuronushi, his rage increasing.

At this assurance, Sadakagé beckoned to Chikatada to approach and said, "I have no doubt whatever, my friend, that this Kuronushi is the murderer of your sister U-noha."

Qiikatada, hearing these words, sprang at Kuronushi, and cried: "Enemy of my sister! I can never forgive you the wrong you have done me!" and he seized him without a moment's hesitation.

"The enemy of your sister?" said Kuronushi, turning as pale as death. "Nonsense! You are mad!"

The Prime Minister ordered silence, and addressed Sadakagé with great dignity.

"Did I understand you to say that Lord Kuronushi has killed Chikatada's sister? That's strange I Can you substantiate your accusation?"

"We deserve punishment for disturbing this