Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/128

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slewest her father by reason of thy love for her.’ Quoth the king, ‘By Allah, thou sayst sooth!’ Then he bade one of his eunuchs carry her on a camel to one of the far-off deserts and there leave her and go away, and he forbade [him] to prolong her torment. So he took her up and betaking himself with her to the desert, left her there without victual or water and returned, whereupon she made for one of the [sand-]hills and ranging stones before her [in the form of a prayer-niche], stood praying.

Now it chanced that a camel-driver, belonging to Kisra[1] the king, lost certain camels and the king threatened him, if he found them not, that he would slay him. So he set out and plunged into the deserts till he came to the place where the damsel was and seeing her standing praying, waited till she had made an end of her prayer, when he went up to her and saluted her, saying, ‘Who art thou?’ Quoth she, ‘I am a handmaid of God.’ ‘What dost thou in this desolate place?’ asked he, and she said, ‘I serve God the Most High.’ When he saw her beauty and grace, he said to her, ‘Harkye! Do thou take me to husband and I will be tenderly solicitous over thee and use thee with exceeding compassion and I will further thee in obedience to God the Most High.’ But she answered, saying, ‘I have no need of marriage and I desire to abide here [alone] with my Lord and His service; but, if thou wouldst deal compassionately with me and further me in the obedience of God the Most High, carry me to a place where there is water and thou wilt have done me a kindness.’

  1. i.e. Chosroës.