Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/250

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came out to look upon him and when they saw him they were amazed at his beauty and grace and wept for him.

Then they told the damsel, who came forth and looked upon him and knew him not. But he knew her; so he bowed his head and wept. She was moved to compassion for him and gave him somewhat and returned to her place, whilst the youth returned with the stewardess to the chamberlain and told him that she was in the king’s house, whereat he was chagrined and said, ‘By Allah, I will assuredly contrive a device for her and deliver her!’ Whereupon the youth kissed his hands and feet. Then he turned to the old woman and bade her change her apparel and her favour. Now this old woman was goodly of speech and nimble of wit; so he gave her costly and delicious perfumes and said to her, ‘Get thee to the king’s slave girls and sell them these [perfumes] and make thy way to the damsel and question her if she desire her master or not.’ So the old woman went out and making her way to the palace, went in to the damsel and drew near her and recited the following verses:

God keep the days of love-delight! How dearly sweet they were! How joyous and how solaceful was life in them whilere!
Would he were not who sundered us upon the parting day! How many a body hath he slain, how many a bone laid bare?
Sans fault of mine, my blood and tears he shed and beggared me Of him I love, yet for himself gained nought thereby whate’er.

When the damsel heard these verses, she wept till her clothes were drenched and drew near the old woman, who said to her, ‘Knowest thou such an one?’ And she