Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/295

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The Ninth Night of the Month.

When the night came, the king sat in his privy chamber and sending after the vizier, sought of him the promised story; and he said, “Know, O august king, that


There was once of old time a foolish, ignorant man, who had wealth galore, and his wife was a fair woman, who loved a handsome youth. The latter used to watch for her husband’s absence and come to her, and on this wise he abode a long while. One day, as the woman was private with her lover, he said to her, ‘O my lady and my beloved, if thou desire me and love me, give me possession of thyself and accomplish my need in thy husband’s presence; else will I never again come to thee nor draw near thee, what while I abide on life.’ Now she loved him with an exceeding love and could not brook his separation an hour nor could endure to vex him; so, when she heard his words, she said to him, [‘So be it,] in God’s name, O my beloved and solace of mine eyes, may he not live who would vex thee!’ Quoth he, ‘To-day?’ And she said, ‘Yes, by thy life,’ and appointed him of this.

When her husband came home, she said to him, ‘I desire to go a-pleasuring.’ And he said, ‘With all my heart.’ So he went, till he came to a goodly place, abounding in vines and water, whither he carried her and