Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/63

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dirhems. Accordingly the money-changer counted down to him five thousand and five hundred dirhems of his own money, and the owner of the ass took the price and delivered the ass to him, saying, ‘Whatsoever betideth, though he abide a deposit about thy neck,[1] sell him not to yonder rogues for less than ten thousand dirhems, for that they would fain buy him because of a hidden treasure whereof they know, and nought can guide them thereto but this ass. So close thy hand on him and gainsay me not, or thou wilt repent.’

So saying, he left him and went away, whereupon up came the three other sharpers, the comrades of him of the ass, and said to the money-changer, ‘God requite thee for us with good, for that thou hast bought him! How can we requite thee!’ Quoth he, ‘I will not sell him but for ten thousand dirhems.’ When they heard this, they returned to the ass and fell again to examining him and handling him. Then said they to the money-changer, ‘We were mistaken in him. This is not the ass we sought and he is not worth more than half a score paras to us.’ Then they left him and offered to go away, whereat the money-changer was sore chagrined and cried out at their speech, saying, ‘O folk, ye besought me to buy him for you and now I have bought him, ye say, “We were deceived [in him], and he is not worth more than ten paras to us.”’ Quoth they, ‘We supposed that in him was that which we desired; but, behold, in him is the contrary of that which we want; and indeed

  1. i.e. though he remain at thy charge or (as we should say) on thy hands.