Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/110

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is out, I will give thee two years’ wage, for that thou hast wearied thyself with us and on account of the cutting off of thy dependence upon Mariyeh.”

Moreover, he gave her a complete suit of clothes and raising his head to her, said, “When thou toldest me that which Mariyeh had done with thee, God rooted out the love of her from my heart, and never again will she occur to my mind; so extolled be the perfection of Him who turneth hearts and eyes! It was she who was the cause of my coming out from Yemen, and now the time is past for which I engaged with my people and I fear lest my father levy his troops and come forth in quest of me, for that he hath no child other than myself and cannot brook to be parted from me; and on like wise is it with my mother.” When the nurse heard his words, she said to him, “O my lord, and which of the kings is thy father?” “My father is El Aziz, lord of Yemen and Nubia and the Islands[1] of the Benou Kehtan and the Two Noble Sanctuaries[2] (God the Most High have them in His keeping!),” answered El Abbas; “and whenas he taketh horse, there mount with him an hundred and twenty and four thousand horsemen, all smiters with the sword, let alone attendants and servants and followers, all of whom give ear unto my word and obey my commandment.” “Why, then, O my lord,” asked the nurse,

  1. i.e. Peninsula. Jezireh (sing, of jezair, islands) is constantly used by the Arabs in this sense; hence much apparent confusion in topographical passages.
  2. i.e. Mecca and Medina.