Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/119

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royal palace, where they halted, and the king looked at them and seeing their beauty and the goodliness of their apparel and the brightness of their faces, said, “Would I knew of which of the tribes these are!” And he bade the eunuch bring him news of them.

So he went out to them and questioned them of their case, whereupon, “Return to thy lord,” answered they, “and question him of Prince El Abbas, if he have come unto him, for that he left his father King El Aziz a full-told year agone, and indeed longing for him troubleth the king and he hath levied a part of his army and his guards and is come forth in quest of his son, so haply he may light upon tidings of him.” Quoth the eunuch, “Is there amongst you a brother of his or a son?” “Nay, by Allah!” answered they. “But we are all his mamelukes and the boughten of his money, and his father El Aziz hath despatched us to make enquiry of him. So go thou to thy lord and question him of the prince and return to us with that which he shall answer you.” “And where is King El Aziz?” asked the eunuch; and they replied, “He is encamped in the Green Meadow.”[1]

The eunuch returned and told the king, who said, “Indeed, we have been neglectful with regard to El Abbas. What shall be our excuse with the king? By Allah, my soul misdoubted me that the youth was of the sons of the kings!” The Lady Afifeh, his wife, saw him lamenting for [his usage of] El Abbas and said

  1. Lit. a cleft meadow (merj selia). This is probably a mistranscription for merj sselia, a treeless champaign.