Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/306

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DAMASCUS is all gardens decked for the pleasance of the eyes, iii. 9.
Drink ever, O lovers, I rede you, of wine, ii. 230.
EL Abbas from Akil his stead is come again, iii. 108.
Endowed with amorous grace past any else am I, ii. 253.
FAIR fall the maid whose loosened locks her cheeks do overcloud! iii. 191.
Fair patience practise, for thereon still followeth content, iii. 116.
Fair patience use, for ease still followeth after stress, iii. 117.
For the uses of food I was fashioned and made, ii. 223.
“Forget him,” quoth my censurers, “forget him; what is he?” iii. 42.
Fortune its arrows all, through him I love, let fly, iii. 31.
Full many a man incited me to infidelity, i. 205.
GOD judge betwixt me and her lord! Away, i. 48.
God keep the days of love-delight! How dearly sweet they were! i. 225.
God keep the days of love-delight! How passing sweet they were! ii. 96
God knows I ne’er recalled thy memory to my thought, iii. 46.
HAD we thy coming known, we would for sacrifice, i. 13.
Haste not to that thou dost desire; for haste is still unblest, ii. 88.
He who Mohammed sent, as prophet to mankind, i. 50.
His love he’d have hid, but his tears denounced him to the spy, iii. 42.
His love on him took pity and wept for his dismay, ii. 210.
How long, O Fate, wilt thou oppress and baffle me? ii. 69.
How long shall I thus question my heart that’s drowned in woe? iii. 42.
How long will ye admonished be, without avail or heed? iii. 40.
How many, in Yemameh, dishevelled widows plain! i. 50.
I AM content, for him I love, to all abide, iii. 25.
I am filled full of longing pain and memory and dole, iii. 15.
I am the champion-slayer he warrior without peer, iii. 94.