Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/309

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Still by your ruined camp a dweller I abide, ii. 209.
Still do I yearn, whilst passion’s fire flames in my liver aye, iii. 111.
THE absent ones’ harbinger came us unto, iii. 153.
The billows of thy love o’erwhelm me passing sore, ii. 226.
The crown of the flow’rets am I, in the chamber of wine, ii. 244.
The Merciful dyed me with that which I wear, ii. 245.
The season of my presence is never at an end, ii. 246.
The two girls let me down from fourscore fathoms’ height, i. 49.
The zephyr’s sweetness on the coppice blew, ii. 235.
They have departed, but the steads yet full of them remain, ii. 239.
They have shut out thy person from my sight, iii. 43.
Thou that the dupe of yearning art, how many a melting wight, iii. 86.
Thou that wast absent from my stead, yet still with me didst bide, iii. 46.
Thy haters say and those who malice to thee bear, iii. 8.
Thy letter reached me; when the words thou wrot’st therein I read, iii. 84.
Thy loss is the fairest of all my heart’s woes, iii. 43.
Thy presence honoureth us and we, i. 13.
To his belovéd one the lover’s heart’s inclined, iii. 22.
’Twere better and meeter thy presence to leave, ii. 85.
’Twere fitter and better my loves that I leave, i. 26.
UNTO its pristine lustre your land returned and more, iii. 132.
Unto me the whole world’s gladness is thy nearness and thy sight, iii. 15.
Upon the parting day our loves from us did fare, iii. 114.
WERE not the darkness still in gender masculine, iii. 193.
What strength have I solicitude and long desire to bear, iii. 20.
When in the sitting-chamber we for merry-making sate, iii. 135.