Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/321

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Sharpers, The Money-Changer and the Ass, The, ii. 41.
Shehriyar, Shehrzad and, ii. 111, iii. 141, 157.
Shehrzad and Shehriyar, ii. 111, iii. 141, 157.
Sindbad the Sailor and Hindbad the Porter, iii. 199.
Sindbad the Sailor, The Seventh Voyage of, iii. 224.
Sindbad the Sailor, The Sixth Voyage of, iii. 203.
Singer and the Druggist, The, i. 229.
Sitt el Milah, Noureddin Ali of Damascus and, iii. 3.
Sixteen Officers of Police, El Melik ez Zahir Rukneddin Bibers el Bunducdari and the, ii. 117.
Sixteenth Officer’s Story, The, ii. 193.
Sixth Officer’s Story, The, ii. 146.
Sixth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor, The, iii. 203.
Solomon, David and, i. 275.
Son, The History of King Azadbekht and his, i. 61.
Son and his Governor, Story of the Man of Khorassan, his, i. 218.
Son, Story of King Ibrahim and his, i. 138.
Son, The Rich Man and his Wasteful, i. 252.
Sons, Story of King Suleiman Shah and his, i. 150.
Sons, The Merchant and his, i. 81.
Speedy Relief of God, Of the, i. 174.
Suleiman Shah and his Sons, Story of King, i. 150.
TAI, En Numan and the Arab of the Benou, i. 203.
Temam (Abou), Story of Ilan Shah and, i. 126.
Ten Viziers, The, i. 61.
Tenth Officer’s Story, The, ii. 172.
Term, Of the Appointed, i. 147.
Thief, A Merry Jest of a, ii. 186.
Thief’s Story, The, ii. 165.