Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 3.djvu/323

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Wife, Firouz and his, i. 209.
Wife, The Fuller and his, i. 261.
Wife and the Learned Man, Khelbes and his, i. 301.
Woman accused of Lewdness, The Pious, ii. 5.
Woman of the Barmecides, Haroun er Reshid and the, i. 57.
Woman, The Thief and the, i. 278.
Woman (The Old) and the Draper’s Wife, ii. 55.
Woman (The Old), the Merchant and the King, i. 265.
Women’s Craft, ii. 287.
YOUNG Men, El Hejjaj and the Three, i. 53.
ZUBEIDEH, El Mamoun and, i. 199