Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 1).djvu/172

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"There—there lies a salve for every human ill; so, at least, each human wretch readily thinks.—Begone; return twice as wealthy as thou wert before yesterday, and torment me no more with questions, complaints, or thanks; they are alike odious to me."

"It is a' gowd, by Heavens!" said Elliot, having glanced at the contents; and then again addressing the Hermit, "Muckle obliged for your good-will; and I wad blythely gi'e you a bond for some o' the siller, or a wadset ower the lands o' Widoper. But I dinna ken, Elshie; to be free wi' you, I dinna like to use siller uns less I kenn'd it was decently come by; and maybe it might turn into sclate-stanes, and cheat some poor man."

"Ignorant idiot!" retorted the Dwarf, "the trash is as genuine poison as ever was dug out of the bowels of the earth. Take it—use it, and may it thrive with you as it hath done with me!"

"But I tell you," said Elliot, "it was