Page:Tamie Lamie's cure for a drunken wife.pdf/3

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The carline ſpurr'd wi' head and feet,
the carle he was fae ackie 0,
To ilka' wa' that he came by,
he garr'd her head play knackie O.

Goodman, I think you'll murder me,
my brains you out will knockie O,
He gi'ed her ay the other hitch,
ly ſtill ye devil's buckie O.

Goodman I'm like to mak my burn,
O let me out good Tamie O,
Then he fet her upon a ſtane,
and bad her piſh a damie O.

Then Tamie took her aff the ſtane,
and put her in the ſackie O,
And when ſhe did begin to ſpurr,
he lent her ay a knockie O.

Away he went to the mill-dam,
and there gae her a duckie 0,
And ilka cheil that had a ſtick,
play'd thump upon her backie O.

And when he took her hame again,
he did hing up the ſackie O,
At her bed-ſide as I hear ſay,
upon a little knagie O.

And ilka' day when ſhe roſe up,
in naething but her ſmockie O,
Sae ſoon's the look'd him in the face,
The might behold the ſackie O,