Page:Tatler - 1898-9 reprint - Volume 1.djvu/340

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7776 Tat/er No.37. July 5,170

sideration in the same chapter : for Mr. Bellfrey being at . ‘ visit where I was, viz., his cousin's (Lady Da.inty's) i V “ Soho, was asked, what entertainments they had in th country? Now Bellfrey is very ignorant, and much . clown; but confident withal. In a word, he struck up .~ fox-chase: Lady Dainty's dog, Mr. Sippet, as she call him, started and jumped out of his lady’s lap, and fell . ‘ barking. Bellfrey went on, and called all the neighbourin ' parishes into the square. Never was woman in such con 1 fusion as that delicate lady. But there was no stoppin ‘ her kinsman. A room full of ladies fell into the mos violent laughter : my lady looked as if she was shrieking f Mr. Sippet in the middle of the room, breaking his -. 2 with barking, but all of us unheard. As soon as Bellfre became silent, up gets my lady, and takes him by the ar - to lead him off : Bellfrey was in his boots. As she wa , hurrying him away, his spurs takes hold of her petticoat his whip throws down a cabinet of china : he cries, “What

are your crocks rotten ? Are your petticoats ragged? man can't walk in your house for trincums.” Eve county of Great Britain has one hundred or more of th' _ sort of fellows, who roar instead of speaking. Therefo = , if it be true, that We women are also given to great ‘ fluency of words than is necessary, sure one that distur but a room or a family is more to be tolerated, than 0 A who draws together parishes and counties, and sometim (with an estate that might make him the blessing an ornament of the world around him) has no other view a . ambition, but to be an animal above dogs and horses, wit out the relish of any one enjoyment, which is peculiar , the faculties of human nature. But I know it will here .. said, that talking of mere country squires at this rate, is, it were, to write against Valentine or Orson. To pro r

.anything against the race of men, you must take them 302