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"The trouble with the people of the central part of the country appears to be their inability to speak frankly. They're small in caliber, resort to petty tricks, and are ready to eat crow. People from the Kanto and the Northeastern regions are quite different from them. They express their thoughts frankly, calling what is good "good," and what is bad "bad"; that's why I like them. But those of the central part of the country are indeed crafty. Tanaka is tricky, has lame excuses, and weeps like a woman...."

"Tanaka does seem to have that sort of fault."

"Wait and see, I'm sure he'll not agree with our terms tomorrow. He'll make various excuses to delay returning home."

Suddenly suspicion regarding the relationship between Yoshiko and Tanaka flashed through Tokio's mind. Tanaka's attitude and his vigorous declamations as if he had the right to possess Yoshiko as his very own prompted Tokio's suspicions.

"And how do you see their relationship?" Tokio asked the old man.

"I wonder. I suppose I must assume that they had had relations."

"At this juncture, I think, we need to find out for sure. Shall I have Yoshiko explain her trip to Saga? Because she said she first felt her love for Tanaka after she left Saga, I believe she will have some letters to prove this point."

"No, I don't think it's necessary to go that far...."

While Mr. Yokoyama believed that they had had relations, he nevertheless seemed afraid to have it proven true.

Unfortunately, at that point Yoshiko came bringing tea.