Page:Taylor - In the Dwellings of the Wilderness.djvu/159

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The Other Who Returned

it were Holloway—if it were the boy! To come across him, and not know him, and leave him!"—A sob shook him from head to foot. He continued, quietly as always.

"He's one of Us, of our speech and of our blood. And we were all he had out here … It isn't profitable talking about those days that followed. I think there were three of them. My waterskin was empty; I chewed on dry biscuit until my mouth bled. In the mornings I set my course by the heat of the rising sun on my face. I broke out the crystal of my watch that I might feel the hands and know when they pointed to noon and the sun would be behind me. I had to travel in the morning so that I might have the feel of the sun to go by, and at night I