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THIRTEENTH IMPRESSION of "A novel novel and an all-around good one."—Brooklyn Eagle.

The Lightning Conductor.

The Strange Adventures of a Motor Car.

By C. N. and A. M. WILLIAMSON.

12mo, $1.50.

¶ The love story of a beautiful American and a gallant Englishman, who stoops to conquer. Two almost human automobiles, the one German, heavy and stubborn, and the other French, light and easy-going, play prominent parts. There is much humor. Picturesque scenes in Provence, Spain and Italy pass before the reader's eyes in rapid succession.

Nation: "Such delightful people, and such delightful scenes … It should be a good, practical guide to those about to go over the same course, while its charming descriptions of travel afford an ample new fund of pleasure, tinged with envy here and there to the stay-at-homes."

N. Y. Sun: "A pleasant and felicitous romance."

Springfield Republican : "Wholly new, and decidedly entertaining."

Brooklyn Eagle: "A novel novel and an all-around good one."

Chicago Post: "Sprightly humor … the story moves."

Boston Transcript: "Can hardly fail of a popular vote of approval."