Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/40

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you must know, Asiatic blood in my veins, and——'

"But he did not finish his phrase, and we walked on for a while in silence, then:

"'Did you not see me turn round during the gavotte, and look for you? I began to feel you just then, but I could not find you out; you remember, don't you?'

"'Yes, I did see you look towards my side, and——'

"'And you were jealous!'

"'Yes,' said I, almost inaudibly.

"He pressed my arms strongly against his body for all answer, then after a pause, he added hurriedly, and in a whisper:

"'You must know that I do not care for a single girl in this world, I never did. I could never love a woman.'

"My heart was beating strongly, I felt a choking feeling as if something was griping my throat.

"'Why should he be telling me this?' said I to myself.

"'Did you not smell a scent just then?'