Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/122

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men were so handsome, the group so classic, that a photograph was taken of it by lime-light.

"'It's very pretty," said the Spahi, "but I think I can shew you something better still.'

"'And what is that?' asked Briancourt.

"'The way they eat preserved dates stuffed with pistachioes in Algiers; and as you happen to have some on the table, we can try it.'

"The old general chuckled, evidently enjoying the fun.

"The Spahi then made his bed-fellow go on all fours, with his head down and his backside up; then he slipped the dates into the hole of the anus, where he nibbled them as his friend pressed them out, after which he licked carefully all the syrup that oozed out and trickled on the buttocks.

"Everybody applauded and the two men evidently were excited, for their battering-rams were jerking up their heads, and nodding significantly.

"'Wait, don't get up yet,' said the Spahi, 'I haven't yet quite finished; let me just put the fruit of the tree of knowledge into it.' There-