Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/128

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science. He went on his knees before that mass of flesh, usually called an arse, pointed his tongue like a lance-head, and darted it in the hole as far as it could go, then, flattening it out like a spatula, he began spreading the spittle all around most dexterously.

"'Now,' said he, with the pride of an artist who has just finished his work, 'my task is done.'

"Another person had taken the bottle, and had rubbed it over with the grease of a pâte de foie gras, then he began to press it in. At first it did not seem to be able to enter; but the Spahi, stretching the edges with his fingers, and the operator turning and manipulating the bottle, and pressing it slowly and steadily, it at last began to slide in.

"'Aie, aie!' said the Spahi, biting his lips; 'it is a tight fit, but it's in at last.'

"'Am I hurting you?'

"'It did pain a little, but now it's all over;' and he began to groan with pleasure.

"All the wrinkles and swellings had disappeared, and the flesh of the edges was now clasping the bottle tightly.