Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/190

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seeing my state of mind sent to enquire who the dead man was. The name they mentioned was unknown to me.

"Three days passed. When I say three days, I mean a weary, endless space of time. The opiates the doctor had given me had put me to sleep, and had even stopped the horrible quivering of my nerves. But what opiate can cure a crushed heart?

"At the end of those three days my manager had found me out, and came to see me. He seemed terrified with my appearance.

"Poor fellow! he was at a loss what to say. He avoided anything that might jar upon my nerves, so he spoke about business. I listened for a while, though his words had no meaning for me, then I managed to find out from him that my mother had left town, and that she had already written to him from Geneva, where she was at present staying. He did not mention Teleny's name and I myself durst not utter it.

"He offered me a room in his house, but I refused, and drove home with him. Now that my mother had gone I was obliged to go there—