Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/96

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night's dream.'

"Then, taking the obnoxious bit of paper, he placed it on the glowing embers; first it writhed and crackled, then a sudden flame burst forth and consumed it. An instant afterwards, it was nothing but a little, black, crumpled thing, on which tiny, fiery snakes were hastily chasing and then swallowing each other as they met.

"Then came a puff from the crackling logs, and it mounted and disappeared up the chimney like a little black devil.

"Naked as we were on the low couch in front of the fireplace, we clasped and hugged each other fondly.

"'It seemed to threaten us before it disappeared, did it not? I hope Briancourt will never come between us.'

"'We'll defy him,' said my friend, smiling; and taking hold of my phallus and of his own, he brandled them both. 'This,' said he, 'is the most efficient exorcism in Italy against the evil eye. Moreover he has doubtless forgotten both you and me by this time—nay, even the very idea of having written this note.'