Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/98

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what sketch have you begun?'

"'Oh, something glorious!—a picture that will make a mark, if any does.'

"'But what is it?'

"'Jesus Christ.'

"'Jesus Christ?'

"'Yes, since I knew Achmet, I have been able to understand the Saviour. You would love Him, too,' added he, 'if you could see those dark, mesmeric eyes, with their long and jetty fringe.'

"'Love whom," said Teleny, 'Achmet or Christ?'

"'Christ, of course!' quoth Briancourt, shrugging his shoulders. 'You would be able to fathom the influence He must have had over the crowd. My Syrian need not speak to you, he lifts his eyes upon you and you grasp the meaning of his thoughts. Christ, likewise, never wasted His breath spouting cant to the multitude. He wrote on the sand, and could thereby "look the world to law." As I was saying, I shall paint Achmet as the Saviour, and you,' added he to Teleny, 'as John, the disciple He loved; for the Bible clearly says and continually repeats that He