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or is used on other occasions, in calling a person of very low degree ; it is occasionally an interjection denoting wonder, or praise.

ఔషధము aushadhanxu, s. Medicine; any remedy, drug, herb, or mineral, used for the cure of disease.

ka, The sixteenth letter, and first consonant, in the Telugu alphabet.

కంకటము kankatamu, s. A cuirass. 2. Armour; mail.

కంకటి kankati, 5. A bedstead.

కంకణము kankanamu, s. A bracelet or ornament for the wrist. 2. A consecrated string tied round the wrist, at the commencement of a marriage &c. కంకణగ్రహణము kankanagrahanamu, A central eclipse.

కంకపత్రము kankapatramu, s. An arrow.

కంకము kankamu, s- The lotus. 2. A heron.

కంకర kankara, s. Gravel.

కంకరగాడిదె kankaragadide, 5. A mule.

కంకాళము kankalamu, 5. A skeleton.

కంకి kanki, s. An ear, or head of corn.

కంకు kanku, v. a. To scold ; to abuse.

కంఖాణము kankhamirnu, 5. A horse.

కంగుణి kanguni, s. One particle of the grain termed Panicum ltalicum.

కంగులు kangulu, s. plu. The grain above-mentioned.

కంచము kantsamu, s. A small metal plate, turned up at the rim, out of which the Hindoos usually eat their victuals.

కంచరగాడిదె kantsarag'aclide, s. vide కంకరగాడిదె kankaragadide.

కంచు kantsu, s. Any am&lgam of zinc and copper ; queen's metal ; bellmetal. కంచరవాడు, కంచలవాడు kantsaravadu, kantsalavadu, A brazier ; a copper-smith.

కంచుకము kantsukamu, s. A sort of short bodice, or tight jacket, worn by Hindoo females, to confine the breasts. 2. A man's jacket. 3. A serpent's skin. 4. Armour, mail.

కంచె kanche, s. A hedge. 2. Waste or fallow ground.

కంచెల kanchela, s. A tight jacket, confining the breasts, Worn by- Hindoo women.

కంటకము kantakamu, s. A thorn. 2, Hatred; detestation. 3. Severity.. 4. The erection of the hair upon the body. కంటకుడు kantakuclu, A man hated, detested, or abhorred. కంటగించు kanfagintsu, To hate, or detest.