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stance, adj. Honorable, noble, great, important. 2. Material, solid. 3. Qoarse. 4. Hard, firm. 5. Fortunate, auspicious. 6. Permanent, eternal.

ఘనత ghanata, s. Greatness, glory,' nobility.


ఘాటు ghatu, adj. Strong.

ఘాతము ghatama, s. Killing, murdering, slaughter. 2. A blow, or stroke. S, A square reservoir for water.

ఘాతుకము ghatukamu, adj. Mischievous, hurtful. 2. Cruel, savage, violent, ferocious.

ఘాసము ghasamu, s. Grass.


ఘోష ghosha, s. A noise, or sound. ఘోషించు ghoshintsu, v. n. To make a great noise.

ఘోషము ghoshamx^ s. A station of herdsmen.

ఙ n, This is the twentieth letter, and fifth consonant in the Telosru alphabet ; but no word in the language commences with it.

చ cha, The twenty-first letter, and sixth consonant in the Telugu alphabet.

చంక tsanka, s. The armpit.

చంగున tsanguna, adv. Quickly, soon.

చంచలము chanchalamu, adj. Fickle, trembling, shaking, moving, incon- siderate, inconstant, unsteady, unstable.

చండాలుడు chandaludu, s. An oat- caste, a chandala, a man of the low- est caste of the mixed tribes, born from a Sudra father, and brahman mother ; a scavenger.

చందనము chandanamu, s. Sandal, Sirium myrtifolium ; it implies either the tree, the wood, or the unctuous preparations of the wood, held in high estimation as perfumes.

చందమామ tsandamama, 5. The moon. 2. The name of a part cut from the centre of the sprout, first issuing from the palmyra nut, which the natives eat.

చందము tsandamu." s. Manner, way. 2. State, condition.

చందా tsanda? s. Subscription.

చందావేయు tsandaveyu. v. a. To subscribe.

చందురము tsanduramu, s. p£<fe కుంకుమ kunkuma.