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నిశానీ nisani, s. A flag, or banner. 2. A mark, or sign.

నిశీథము nisithamu, s. Midnight.

నిశ్చయము nischayamu, s. Certainty, ascertainment, positive conclusion. 2. Positive resolution, settled determination.

నిశ్చయించు nischayinfcsu, v. a. To settle, resolve, or determine. 2. To ascertain,

నిశ్చితము nischitanm,ad/. Ascertained, settled.

నిశ్చితార్థము nischitarthamu, 5. The ceremony of betrothing two persons, in which the terms of the future, marriage are settled.

నిశ్శేషము nisseshamu, s. Whole, com- plete, entire, all.

నిషిద్ధము nishiddhamu, adj. Prohibited, forbidden.

నిషేకము nishekamu, s. Consummation of marriage.

నిషేధము nishedhamru s. A prohibition. నిషేధించు nishedhintsu, To prohibit.

నిష్కపటము nisblcapatamu"* adj. Sin- cere ; without deceit. .%. Sincerity.

నిష్కర్ష nishkarsha, s. Determination, settlement, final arrangement. 2. Certainty. నిష్కర్షించు nishkarshintsu, To determine, settle, fix, or resolve.

నిష్కళ nishkala, s. A woman past child-bearing.

నిష్ఠ nishtha, s. The catastrophe of a drama, the conclusion of a fable. 2. Conclusion in general, end, termination. 3.Disappearance, loss, destruction. 4. Confirmation, completion. 5. Ordinary and uniform practice, or profession. 6. Good conduct, excellence. 7. Religious practice, devout and austere exercise.

నిష్ఠురము nishthuramu, adj. Cruel, harsh. 2- hard, solid.

నిసి nisi, s. Night.

నిసువు nisuvu, s. The young of any animal, or of the human species.

నిస్సత్తువు nissattuvu, s* Weakness ; debility.

నిస్సారము nissaramu, adj. Sapless, pithless, dry.

నిక్షేపము nikshepamu, s. A deposit, or pledge.


నీ ni, 'pro. Thy. This is the possessive of నీవు nivo, q. v. నీది nidi, Thine.

నీచము nichamu, adj. Low, base, vile, mean.

నీటిచూలి nftitsuli, s. Fire, who in Hindoo mythology is represented -is the parent of water.