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పాకము pakamu, s. Maturity ; natural, or artificial, as the state of being cooked* or ripened. 2. The young of any animal.

పాకీ, పాకివాడు pakf, pakivadu, s. A scavenger.

పాకు paku, v. n. To creep, or crawl.

పాకోడు pakodu, s. A raised wooden shoe.

పాగ, పాగా paga, paga", s. A turband. 2. A stable. పాగాచుట్టు pagatsuttu, v. a. To tie on, or form, a turband.

పాగడము pagadamu, s. A silver ornament, worn by Hindoo females, round the ankle.

పాచకుడు pachakudu, s. A cook.

పాచి pachi, s. Dirt, filth. 2. The unclean substance which covers the teeth. 3. The green stuff produced in stagnant water. 4. Mouldiness. adj- Dirty, unclean. Water is deemed by the Hindoos to be. పాచి pachi, Or unclean, unless it be brought from the well on the same day on which it is used.

పాకొను pakonu, v. n. Dirt to attach itself, or to stick.

పాచిక pachika, s. Dice.

పాచు pachu, v. n. To putrify, or become corrupted or rotten. From this verb comes. పాచి pachi, q. v.

పాట pata, 5. A song. 2. A poem.

పాటవము patavamu, s. Cleverness talent. 2. Health. 3. Eloquence.

పాటా pata, s. Erasure, blotting out. పాటా-కొట్టు, తీయు pata-kottu, tfyu, To erase,

పాటి pati, s. Computation, as applied to number, weight, measure, ex- tent, or value. 2. Kind, sort, or description. 3. Justice, adj. Exact, as applied to number, weight, measure, or extent. ఏపాటిజనము epatijanamu, How many people? ఈబంగారుయేపాటి ibangaruyepati, Of what weight, or value, is this gold? ఈధాన్యము యేపాటి idhanyamu yep&ti, "What quantity is this grain? నిడుపుయేపాటి nidupuyepati, What length? వీడు యేపాటివాడు viduyepativadu, What kind of man is he?

పాటించు patintsu, v. a. To obtain. 2. To regard, observe, or pay attention to.

పాటిల్లు patillu, v. n. To be obtained- 2. To shine.

పాటు p&tu, s. A fall. 2. Suffering, distress, misfortune,, pain. 3. Labour, work. 4. A declining state. 5. The falling back, or ebb, of the tide. 6. Manner, mode. 7. A time, or occasion. 8. Pride, arrogance, presumption.