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అలయు alayu. v. n. To be tired, wearied^ or fatigued ; to be ex- hausted by labour.

అలయిక alaika, s. vide అలపు alapti.

అలరు alaru, «?. ??. To shine. 2. To be pleased or delighted, s. A flower. 2- Beauty. అలరుబోడి, అలరుబోణి alambodi, alaruboni, & one whose body is a flower. A woman. అలరువిల్తుడు alarnviltulu, The god of love, because his bow is made of flowers.

అలవడు alavadu, v. n. To be practised in : to be habituated, or ac- customed to. అలవాటు alavatu, .*. Habit, custom. అలవాటుతప్పు alava- tutappu. To be ou^ of practice, అలవరచు alavaratsu, To habituate, | accustom, exercise, or teach.

అలవ alava, s. A basin formed of I earth, round the foot of a tree. 2. A railing:.

అలవి alavi, adj. Able to do or effect. ఇదినాకుఅలవిగాదు idinakualaviga- du, I am not able to do this. This is beyond my power.

అలసట, అలసత alasata, alasata, g. Fatigue, lassitude. vide అలపు-అలసటపడు alapu-alasatapadu, To be wearied or fatigued. అలసటపుట్టు, అలసటవచ్చు alasatapnttu, alasatavatsts»j To feel fatigued, అలసటతీర్చుకొను aigsatatirtsukonu, To rest one's self.

అలక్ష్యము alakshyamu, ac/y. Tri- fling, trivial, worthless. 5. Dis- regard, negligence, అలక్ష్యముచేయు alakshyamu cheyu, v. a. To dis- regard, neglect, slight, or despise.

అలాకు alaku, s. Desolation; ravage: ruin, అలాకుచేయు alaku cheyu, To ruin, to ravage, to lay waste.

అలాయిదా alaida, adj. Separate, apart.

అలుకు aluku, v. a. To rub the floor with macerated cow-dung. This is done by the Hindoos to clean and purify the house, s- The wash- ing the floor with macerated cow- dung.

అలుకు aluku, s. Fear; terror; dread.

అలుగు alugu, v. n. To be angry, or provoked ; to be annoyed or dis- pleased, అలుక aluka, s. Displea- sure, anger.

అలుగు alugu, s. A water channel, for carrying off the excess of water from tanks. &c. 2. 1 he sharp iron point of an arrow or lance.

అలువు aluvu, 5. Beauty; comeliness ; fairness.

అలుసు alusu, s. Inferiority ; mean-ness.