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or meet. సభకూర్చు sabhakurtsu, To assemble a meeting. సభకూర్పించు sabhakurpintsu, v. Caus. To cause a meeting to be assembled. సభ్యుడు sabhyudu, 5. One who is fit for an assembly.

సమకట్టు samakattu, v> a. To prepare, to put in array, to keep in readiness.

సమకూడు, సమకూరు samakudu, samakuru, v. n. To conspire, coincide, or agree. 2. To succeed. 3. To happen, or occur. సమకూర్చు samakurtsu, v, a To cause to agree, or coincide, succeed, or happen.

సమము samamu, adj. Like, similar. 2. Equal. 3. Equable, uniform. సమముచేయు sainamucheyu,To level, or equalize. సమచిత్తము samachittamu, s. An equable temper.

సమయము samayamu, s. A time, or opportunity; season fit, or proper time for any thing. 2. Leisure. 3. An oath. 4. A confederation, or engagement.

సమయు samayu, v. n. To die, or expire. 2. To be diminished, expended, or worn out. సమయించు samayintsu, v. a. To kill. 2. To wear out.

సమరము samaramu, s. Battle, war, combat, conflict.

సమర్త samarta, *. The first appearance of the menses.

సమర్థము samarthamu, adj. Powerful, strong. 2. Able, capable. 3. Perfectly versed in, or master of.

సమస్తము samastamu, adj. All, whole, entire, complete. 2. Compound, compounded.

సమక్షము, సమక్షమము samakshamu* samakshamamu, s. Presence, sight. adv. Before, in presence, or in sight of.

సమాఖ్య samakhya, s. Fame, reputation. 2. Confederation, convention.

సమాచారము sarnacharamu, s. News, tidings, intelligence, information. 2. A message. 3 An occurrence.

సమాజము samajamu, 5. A crowd, flock or multitude.

సమాధానము samadhanamu, s. Conciliation, agreement, consent. 2. Tranquillity, peace. 3. Reconciling differences.

సమాధి samadhi, s. Deep meditation, restraining the senses and confining the mind to contemplation on the true nature of the spirit. 2. Reconciling differences- 3. Perseverance in a difficult undertaking. 4. A grave, or tomb

సమానము samanamu, adj. Like, similar. 2. Equal, s. One of the vital airs supposed by the Hindoos to exist m the human hody ; it's place is supposed to be near the navel, and it is considered essential to digestion.