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ఆవరణము ávaraṇamu, s. The space enlosed round a house, or garden. ఆవరించు ávarintsu, To surround or encompass.

ఆవర్తము ávartamu, s. A whirlpool 2. Hair naturally curled,

ఆవల ávala, adv. vide. అవతల avatala,

ఆవలించు ávalintsu, v. n. To yawn, to gape. s. ఆవలింత ávalinta, yawning.

ఆవాహనము áváhanamu, s. The invocation of the deity, or of evil spirits, by mystical words. 2. The bringing down the spirit of the deity into idols.

ఆవి ávi. s. Vapour, exhalations from the earth.

ఆవిడ, ఆవిడె áviḍa, áviḍe, pro, vide ఆబిడ ábiḍa.

ఆవిరి áviri, s. Steam or vapour. 2. The heat of the breath.

ఆవిర్భవించు, ఆవిర్భవిల్లు ávirbhavintsu, ávirbhavillu, v. n. To be born.

ఆవు ávu, s. A cow. చూడియావు tsúḍiyávu, A cow with calf. పాడియావు páḍiyávu, A milch cow. ఆవునుపితుకు ávunupituku, To milk a cow.

ఆవులించు ávulintsu, v. n. vide. ఆవలించు ávalintsu.

ఆవేశనము áveśanamu, s. A manufactory, or work-shop.

ఆవేశము ávésamu, s. Inspiration by the deity. 2. Possession by evil spirits. 3. Fury; demoniacal frenzy. ఆవేశమువచ్చు ávéśamuvatstsu, To be inspired by the deity; to be possessed by an evil spirit.

ఆశ ása, s. Love, attachament. 2. Desire or wish of any kind; curiosity avarice 3. Hope. ఆశపడు áśapaḍu, To fall in love 2. To desire, covet or long for. ఆశకొలుపు áṡakolupu, To allure, encourage, or give hope. ఆశాపాతకుడు áṡápatakuḍu, A very ambitious or avaricious man.

ఆశీర్వచనము, ఆశీర్వాదము áṡírvachanamu, áṡírvádamu, s. A blessing, or benediction. ఆశీర్వదించు áṡírvadintsu, To bless, to give a benediction. ఆశీస్సు asssu, A blessing.

ఆశౌచము áṡauchamu, s. The usual term of mourning on the death of a relative, or of imaginary pollution, proceeding from the birth of a child : during which the Hindoos consider themselves impure. The former is commonly termed మృతాశౌచము mritáṡauchamu, The latter జాతాశౌచము játáaucham.

ఆశ్చర్యము áṡcharyamu, s. Wonder, astonishment. 2. Surprize 3. Admiration.