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ఇముడు -Imudu

ఇది idi, pro. She. 2. It. 3. This, the proximate of అది adi q. v. ఇదిగానుండు idiganumdu.

ఇదిగో, ఇదుగో idigo, idugo, inter. Look here. 2. Here it is. the proximate of అదిగో adigo q. v.

ఇద్దరు iddaru, The masc. and fern, of the neuter numeral రెండు rendu, Two, whether used as an adjective or substantive. When the. final vowel is lengthened, or pronounced with emphasis or when న్ను nnn, is added to this word, it denotes Both.

ఇద్దెస iddesa, adv. On th : sside; here.

ఇనాము inamu, s. A present or gift. 2. An. alienation by Government, to an individual, of the whole of the revenue payable to them from a denned portion of land.

ఇనుకు inuku, v. n. vide. ఇంకు inku.

ఇనుమడి mmnadi, adj. Double, two fold. ఇనుమడించు inumadintsu v. a. To double.

ఇనుమనమడు inumanamadu, 5. lit. A second grandson. A great grand" son. ఇనుమనమరాలు inumanamaraiu A great grand daughter.

ఇనుమాఱు inumarrn, adv. Twice.

ఇనుమిక్కిలి inumikkili, adv. Twice as much.

ఇనుము inumu, s. Iron, ఇనుప inupa, inflected adj. Iron. ఇనుపకుందులు inupakundulu, Iron pivots, placed in the wall, upon, which the hinges of a door or shutter turn.

ఇన్ని inni, adj. Collective, in the neuter gender. So many, as many as this. It is the proximate of అన్ని anni 'q. v.

ఇన్నూఱు irmurru, A numeral adj. or sub. Two hundred. When inflec- ted as a subs. It makes ఇన్నూటి innuti.

ఇప్పించు ippintsu, v. caus. To cause to give ; the causal form of ఇచ్చు itstsu, p. v.

ఇప్పుడు ippudu, adv. Now ; at this time. It is the proximate of అప్పుడు appndn,_p. v. and admits, like it, of inflexions ఇప్పటివాండ్లు ippativandlu. The people of these days. ఇప్పుడేవచ్చినాడు ippudevachchinadu, He is just come.

ఇబ్బంది ibbandi, 6*. Distress, calamity, dificulty. 2. A period of distress &c. 3. Ambiguity.

ఇబ్బందిగాడు ibbandigadu, s. A bear.

ఇబ్బడి ibbadi, adj. vide. ఇనుమడి inumadi.

ఇముడు imudu, v. w. To be held, contained, or comprized, within a certain limit of extent, or space of