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ఉరుజమీను urudzamfnu, s. A sort of fish. Sparus spilotus.

ఉరుది urudi, adj. Positive. 2. Strict,- rigid. 3. Loud.

ఉరుద్రాడు urudfadu, s. A rope with which a calf is tied to a cow, when she is milked. This is always done in India; otherwise, the cow will not allow her milk to flow.

ఉరుము urumu, v. n. To roar.

ఉరువడి uruvadi, s. Violence, impetuosity. 2. Alacrity. 3. Loudness.

ఉరువణించు uruvariintsu, v. a. To appal another, by heroic deeds in. battle, &c.

ఉరువు uruvu, adj. Great, large.

ఉఱవు urravu, s. Beauty. 2. Abundance, excess.

ఉఱి urn, An affix denoting possession ; as బలముఱి balamurri, strong, from బలము balanin, strength.

ఉఱిమిచూచు urrimitsutsu, v. a. To look earnestly, steadfastly, or se- verely, in consequence of anger.

ఉఱియ urriya, s. A brave man.

ఉఱియు urriyu, v. n. To leak ; to drop through.

ఉఱు urru, v. n. To be fit. 2- To retreat ; to retire, or withdraw: v. a. To regard, honor, or esteem.

ఉఱుకు urruku, v. n. To run. 2. To jump ; to vault. ఉఱుకుడుగప్ప urru kudugappa, s. A species of frog which is constantly in motion. ఉఱుకుబొడ్డు urrukuboddu,A navel which protrudes from the belly. Many native children have navels which protrude one or two inches, proceeding, it is said, from some awkwardness in cutting the navel string,, at their birth.

ఉఱుత urruta, s. vide ఉడుత uduta.

ఉఱుపు urrupu,' s. Leaking, vide ఉఱియు urriyu.

ఉఱుము urrumu, s. Thunder, v. n. To thunder, v. a. vide ఉఱిమిచూచు Urrimitsiitsu.

ఉఱ్ఱలూగు, ఉఱ్ఱూతలూగు urralugu, urrutalugu, v. n. To swing violently. 2. To persevere. 3. To please, to delight. ,

ఉలకన ulakana, adj. Light. 2. Easy. 3. Contemptible.

ఉలవలు ulavalu, s. vide ఉలువలు uluvalu.

ఉల్లి uli, s. A chisel.

ఉలికిపడు ulikipadu, v. n. vide ఉలుకు uluku.

ఉలికిపాటు ulikipatu, $. A start.

ఉలిపి, ఉలిపిగొట్టు nlipi, ulipigotiu. s. A wild, extravagant, impudent, or mischievous person.

ఉలివు ulivu, a, Beauty.