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Of the 56 letters of the Telugu alphabet, 51 are used in this Dictionary, and they may be represented in the Roman character as follows:


అ a, as in delta. ౠ rí, as in ream.
ఆ á, as in father. ఎ e, as e in mendicant.
ఇ i, as in pin. ఏ é, as e in grey.
ఈ í, as in pique. ఐ ai, as ai in aisle.
ఉ u, as oo in good. ఒ o, as o in police.
ఊ ú, as oo in food. ఓ ó, as o in story.
ఋ ri, as in rill. ఔ au, as ou in foul.
ం Anuswara m or n. ః Visarga-h.



క k, as k in king.

ఖ kh, aspirate of the preceding as kh in pack-horse,

గ g, as g in garden.

ఘ gh, aspirate of the preceding as gh in gig-horse.

n, as ng in angle. 

హ h, as h in hunger.