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ఎత్తుగడ ettugada, s. A project; a contrivance. 2. An endeavour or attempt.

ఎత్తుగడ్డలు ettugaddalu, s. The two clods of earth forming a fire place or hearth.

ఎద eda, s. The mind. 2. The breast, 3. The heart. ఎదానవేయు edanave- yu, v. a. To take any thing unlawfully or unjustly.

ఎదగు edagu, v. n. -To grow ; to vegetate ; to increase in stature. ఎదిగినపడుచు ediginapadutsu, A girl who is marriageable.

ఎదావు edavu, 5. A cow ready for the bull.

ఎదురు edurn, s. The front, that which is opposite- 2. Presence. 3. A parallel or comparison.

ఎద్దడి edcladi, s. Poverty, indigence. 2. Scarcity.

ఎద్దు eddu, s. An ox, or bullock. % A bull. ఎద్దుబళువు eddubaluvu, A bul- lock load. ఎద్దువాడు eclduvadu. A bullock-driver, or owner. To geld a bull.

ఎన ena, adj. Equal.

ఎనప enapa, adj. vide ఎనుము enumu,

ఎనభై enabhai, adj. Eighty.

ఎనమండ్రు enamandru, s. plu. Eight persons.

ఎనమన్నూఱు enamannurru, adj. Eight hundred.

ఎనయు enayu, v. n, To be united, or attached to ; to be joined, or mixed. 2. To be on intimate terms of friendship. 3. To be in coitu. 4. To be mixed, as ingredients in food. 5. To be of one accord, in music.

ఎనికె enike, s. A thread, composed of four single spun-threads united.

ఎనిమిది enimidi, adj. Eight.

ఎనియు eniyu, v. n. vide ఎనయు enayu.

ఎనుచు, ఎనుపు enutsu, enupu, v. a. To mix, or mingle. 2. To stir with a stick, as ingredients in a dish. ఎనుపుడు ennpudu, The act of mix- inor, or of stirring as above.

ఎనుపోతు enupotu, s. A male buffalo. ఎనుము, ఎనుపెంటి enumu, enupenti, A female buffalo. ఎనుప enupa, aclj< Of, or belonging to, a buffalo, as ఎనుపదూడ enupadiida, A buffalo- calf.

ఎనుబది enubadi, a$. Numeral. Eighty,

ఎన్నడు ennadu, adv. lit. What day? When ? 2. Always, ever.

ఎన్ని enni, adj. vro. Collective, in the neuter gender. How many ? It is the interrogative of అన్ని anni, and ఇన్ని inni, q. v...