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ఏనిగె enige, s. vide ఏనుగు, ఏనిగెతొండాము enngu, enigetondarnu, An elephant's proboscis.

ఏను enu,adj. numeral- Five,

ఏను enu, pro. This word is frequently used in books for నేను nenu, I.

ఏనుగు enugu, s. An elephant. ఏనుగుజెలగ enugujelaga, A cockle. ఏనుగుపల్లేరు ssif do enugupalleru, The prickly fruited pedalium. Pedalium murex.

ఏనూఱు enurru, adj. Numeral. Five hundred.

ఏపి epi, 5. A Dog- It is generally applied to that species used by the Hindoos in hunting.

ఏపు epu, 5. A great or sudden increase, or augmentation. 2. Ardour, impatience, fury.

ఏపె epe, pro. Fern. Honorific. Which , female ? It is the interrogative of ఆపె ape, and ఈపె ipe, q, v.

ఏపెచెట్టు epechettp, s: The saul tree. Shorea robusta.

ఏబది ebadi, adj. Numeral. Fifty.

ఏబిడ, ఏబిడె ebida, ebide, pro. vide ఏపె epe.

ఏభ్యము ebhyamu, 5. Nastiness ; filthiness. ఏభ్యరాశి, ఏభ్రాశి ebhyarasi, ebhrasi, 5. A na^ty, filthy, person- 2. An idiot.

ఏమఱు, ఏమాఱు emami, einarru, v. n, To be surprized. 2. To be deceived. 3. To be without vigilance or attention. ఏమఱించు emarrintsu, v. a. To surprize. 2. To deceive. 3. To divert one's thoughts. ఏమఱిపాటు emarripatu. Surprize. 2. Inattention, forge tfuln ess, negligence, inadvertence.

ఏమి end, ^ro. Iuterrogative-defective. What? It is used chiefly in the nominative and dative cases, and accasionally with other affixes. ఏమిటికి enitiki, For what ? Why? Wherefore? ఏమిటి emiti, Of what country, cast, or description.

ఏమె erne, pro. Interrogative, vide ఏపె epe.

ఏయు eyu, v, a. To throw, vide వేయు veyu.

ఏరాలు eralu, s. Joint sisters in law. The relationship which the wives of two brothers bear to each other.

ఏరీ erf, phrase. Where are they ?

ఏరు eru, v. a. In compos. To attain. vide ఈడేరు idem.

ఏరు eru, 5. A plough, with draught oxen* and .the other implements of husbandry.

ఏరుగు erugu, v. n. To stool; to void excrement, s, Excrement.