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The Tempest, I. ii

Pro. By what? by any other house or person?
Of anything the image tell me, that
Hath kept with thy remembrance.

Mira. 'Tis far off; 44
And rather like a dream than an assurance
That my remembrance warrants. Had I not
Four or five women once that tended me?

Pro. Thou hadst, and more, Miranda. But how is it 48
That this lives in thy mind? What seest thou else
In the dark backward and abysm of time?
If thou remember'st aught ere thou cam'st here,
How thou cam'st here thou may'st.

Mira. But that I do not. 52

Pro. Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,
Thy father was the Duke of Milan and
A prince of power.

Mira. Sir, are not you my father?

Pro. Thy mother was a piece of virtue, and 56
She said thou wast my daughter; and thy father
Was Duke of Milan, and his only heir
A princess,—no worse issued.

Mira. O, the heavens!
What foul play had we that we came from thence? 60
Or blessed was 't we did?

Pro. Both, both, my girl:
By foul play, as thou say'st, were we heav'd thence;
But blessedly holp hither.

Mira. O! my heart bleeds
To think o' the teen that I have turn'd you to,
Which is from my remembrance. Please you, further. 65

50 backward: past
56 piece: masterpiece
59 no worse issued: of no lower birth
64 teen: sorrow
65 from: gone from