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The Tempest, I. ii

And peg thee in his knotty entrails till
Thou hast howl'd away twelve winters.

Ari. Pardon, master; 296
I will be correspondent to command,
And do my spiriting gently.

Pro. Do so; and after two days
I will discharge thee.

Ari. That's my noble master!
What shall I do? say what? what shall I do?

Pro. Go make thyself like a nymph of the sea: be subject 301
To no sight but thine and mine; invisible
To every eyeball else. Go, take this shape,
And hither come in 't: go, hence with diligence!
Exit [Ariel].
Awake, dear heart, awake! thou hast slept well;

Mira. The strangeness of your story put
Heaviness in me.

Pro. Shake it off. Come on;
We'll visit Caliban my slave, who never 308
Yields us kind answer.

Mira. 'Tis a villain, sir,
I do not love to look on.

Pro. But, as 'tis,
We cannot miss him: he does make our fire,
Fetch in our wood; and serves in offices 312
That profit us.—What ho! slave! Caliban!
Thou earth, thou! speak.

Cal. within. There's wood enough within.

Pro. Come forth, I say; there's other business for thee:
Come, thou tortoise! when? 316

297 correspondent: obedient
311 miss: do without