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The Tempest, IV. i

And there repose: a turn or two I'll walk,
To still my beating mind.

Fer. We wish your peace.
Mira. Exeunt.

Pro. Come with a thought!—I thank thee, Ariel: come! 164

Enter Ariel.

Ari. Thy thoughts I cleave to. What's thy pleasure?

Pro. Spirit,
We must prepare to meet with Caliban.

Ari. Ay, my commander; when I presented Ceres,
I thought to have told thee of it; but I fear'd 168
Lest I might anger thee.

Pro. Say again, where didst thou leave these

Ari. I told you, sir, they were red-hot with drinking;
So full of velour that they smote the air 172
For breathing in their faces; beat the ground
For kissing of their feet; yet always bending
Towards their project. Then I beat my tabor;
At which, like unback'd colts, they prick'd their ears, 176
Advanc'd their eyelids, lifted up their noses
As they smelt music: so I charm'd their ears
That, calf-like, they my lowing follow'd through
Tooth'd briers, sharp furzes, pricking goss and thorns, 180
Which enter'd their frail shins: at last I left them
I' the filthy-mantled pool beyond your cell,
There dancing up to the chins, that the foul lake

164 with a thought: quick as thought
167 presented: impersonated
180 goss: gorse