Page:Ten Tragedies of Seneca (1902).djvu/426

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[Lines 48—77

Funus per' artus, levia memoravi nimis. Hr^'- virgo feci, gravior exfurgat dolor. Majora jam me fcelera poft partus decent. 50 Accingere ira, teque in exitium pava Furore toto: paria narrentur tua Repudia thalamis, quo virum linquis modo? Hoc, quo fecuta es, rumpe jam fegnes moras: Quae fcelere parta eft, fcelere linquenda eft domus. 55


Chorus e mulieribus Corinthiis Jafonis & Creufas nuptiis epithalamium praecinit.

Ad regum thalamos numine profpero, Qui caelum fuperi, quique regunt fretum, Adfint, cum populis rite faventibus. Primus fceptiferis coUa Tonantibus Taurus celfa ferat tergore candido. 60 Lucinam nivei femina coi-poris Intentata jugo placet. &, afperi Martis fanguineas quae cohibet manus, Quae dat belligeris foedera genlibus, Et comu retinet divite copiam, 65 JJon'^tur tenera mitior hoftia. Et tu, qui facibus legitimis adep. Nodlem difcut:'"': aufpii;C' uextera, Hue incede gradu marcidus ebrio, Preecingens rofeo tempora vinculo. 70 Et tu, quae gemini prsevia temporis Tarde ftella redis femper amantilius: Te matres avidje, te cupiunt nurus, Quamprimum radios fpaigere lucidos. Vincit virgineus decor 75 Longe Cecropias nurus: Et quas Taygeti jugis

at both by the Heavens and the Earth (Gods and Men; have been duly and thoroughly thought over in my mind, as well as the wounds and slaughter, and the scattered funeral in waiting for them. (Alluding to the death of Absyrtus, whose body, scattered far and wide, had to be gathered up for the funeral pile.) I remember, however, these trifles, perhaps too vividly—all these things I did when I was a virgin; my present anger rises to a much higher pitch! Now, as a wife and mother, greater crimes suit my condition—better lay myself out with all my pent-up rage for something worthy of it, in the way of destruction! Let my divorce be talked about, as much as ever this marriage will be! (as regards the crime