Page:Ten Tragedies of Seneca (1902).djvu/484

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[Lines 956—991

Natos tuliflem! fterilis in pcenas fui. Fratri patrique quod fat eft, peperi duos. Quonam ifta tendit turba Furiarum impotens? Quem quaerit? aut quo flammeos i(5lus parat? Aut cui cruentas agmen infernum faces 960 Intentat? ingens anguis excuffo fonat Tortus flagello. quem trabe infefta petit Megsera? cujus umbra difperfis venit Incerta membris? frater eft. pcenas petit. Dabimus. fed omnes fige luminibus faces: 965 Lania, penire. pedlus en furiis paret. Difcedere a me, frater, ultrices Deas, Manefque ad imos ire fecuras jube: Mihi me relinque, & utere hac, frater, manu, Quae ftrinxit enfem: vi<5lima manes tuos 970 Placemus ifta. Quid repens affert fonus? Parantur arma, meque in exitium petunt. Excelfa noftrse te<fta confcendam domus Cxde inchoata. perge tu mecum comes. Tuum quoque ipfa corpus liinc mecum aveham. 975 Nunc hoc age, anime. non in occulto tibi eft Perdenda virtus, approba populo manum. JAS. Quicunque regum cladibus fidus doles, Concurre, ut ipfam fceleris au6lorem horridi Capiamus. hue, hue, fortis armigeri cohors, 980 Conferte tela, vertite ex imo domum. MED. Jam jam recepi fceptra, germanum, patrem; Spoliumque Colchi pecudis auratse tenent. Rediere regna. rapta virginitas rediit. O placida tandem numina! o feftum diem! 985 O nuptialem! vade. perfeflum eft fcelus; Vindi(5la nondum. perage, dum faciunt manus. Quid nunc moraris, anime? quid dubitas? potes. Jam cecidit ira. poenitet. fafti pudet. Quid, mifera, feci? mifera, pceniteat licet, 990 Feci, voluptas magna me invitam fubit;

the parent of fourteen sons! I have been restricted in my punishments! (Medea wishes for fourteen children, in order to punish Jason all the more arithmetically.) I have only brought forth two, which must be enough, one for my slaughtered brother, and the other for the outraged father! I wonder, though, what that redoutable group of Furies are bent upon? Whom are they seeking? Or for whom are they preparing, with their burning blows? Or whom, that the tribe from the infernal regions are threatening, with their cruel torches? There, a huge serpent, curled up, is hissing as it shakes out its whips! For whom is Megæra looking now, with that horrible flaming beam of fire? (a huge torch.) Whose