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TEN YEARS LATER. 115 two cities, London or Paris, I should prefer as a residence, I should reply, Paris." Anne of Austria observed the ardent manner with which these words had been pronounced. "I am told, my lord, you have rich possessions in your own country, and that you live in a splendid and time- honored palace." "It was my father's residence," replied Buckingham, casting down his eyes. "Those are indeed great advantages and souvenirs," re- plied the queen, alluding, in spite of herself, to recollec- tions from which it is impossible voluntarily to detach one's self. "In fact, said the duke, yielding to the melancholy in- fluence of this opening conversation, "sensitive persons live as much in the past or the future as in the present." "That is very true," said the queen, in a low tone of voice. "It follows, then, my lord," she added, "that you, who are a man of feeling, will soon quit France in order to shut yourself uj) with your wealth and your relics of the past." Buckingham raised his head, and said: "I think not, madame." "What do you mean?" "On the contrary, I think of leaving England in order to take up my residence in France." It was now Anne of Austria's turn to exhibit surprise. "Why?" she said. "Are you not in favor with the new king?" "Perfectly so, madame, for his majesty's kindness to me is unbounded." "It cannot be," said the queen, "because your fortune has diminished, for it is said to be enormous." "My fortune, madame, has never been more thriving." "There is some secret cause, then?" "No, madame," said Buckingham eagerly; "there is nothing secret in my reason for this determination. I like the residence in France; I like a court so distinguished by its refinement and courtesy; I like the amusements, some- what serious in their nature, which are not the amusements of my own country, and which are met with in France." Anne of Austria smiled shrev>'dly. "Amusements of a serious nature?" she said. "Has your grace well reflected on their seriousness?" The duke hesitated.