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150 TEN" TEARS LATER. "In what way?'* "You are acquainted with the Abbe d'Herblay, and you know that he is somewhat mysterious," "Yes." "Well, you can, perhaps, give me the address of his presbytery, for I have been to Noisy-le-Sec, and he is no longer there." "I should think not, indeed. He is Bishop of Vannes." "What! Vannes in I3retagne?" "Yes." The little man began to tear his hair, saying: "How can I get to Vannes from here by midday to- morrow? I am a lost man." "Your despair quite distresses me." "Vannes! Vannes!" cried Baisemeaux. "But listen; a bishop is not always a resident. Monsieur d'Herblay may not possibly be so far away as you fear." "Pray, tell me his address." "I really don't know it." "In that case, I am utterly lost. I will go and throw myself at the king's feet." "But, Baisemeaux, I can hardly believe what you tell me; besides, since the Bastile is capable of producing fifty thousand francs a year, why have you not tried to screw one hundred thousand out of it?" "Because I am an honest man, Monsieur d'Artagnan, and because my prisoners are fed like potentates." "Well, you're in a fair way to get out of your difficulties; give yourself a good attack of indigestion with your excel- lent living, and put yourself out of the way between this and midday to-morrow." "How can you be hard-hearted enough to laugh?" "Nay, you really afflict me. Come, Baisemeaux, if you can pledge me your word of honor, do so, that you will not open your lips to any one about what I am going to say to you." "Never, never!" "You wish to put your hand on Aramis?" "At any cost." "Well, go and see where Monsieur Fouquet is." "Why, what connection can there be " "How stupid you are! Don't you know that Vannes is in the diocese of Belle-Isle, or Belle-Isle in the diocese of Vannes? Belle-Isle belongs to Monsieur Fouquet, and Monsieur Fouquet nominated Monsieur d'Herblay to that bishom'io."