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"It is true, then, that you were in want of money, since you were going to the person who gives it away?"

"I assure you, my lord ———"

"You are suspicious of me."

"My dear lord, it was the uncertainty and ignorance in which I was as to where you were to be found."

"You would have found the money you require at Monsieur Fouquet's, for he is a man whose hand is always open."

"I swear that I should never have ventured to ask Monsieur Fouquet for money. I only wished to ask him for your address."

"To ask Monsieur Fouquet for my address?" exclaimed Aramis, opening his eyes in real astonishment.

"Yes," said Baisemeaux, greatly disturbed by the glance which the prelate fixed upon him, "at Monsieur Fouquet's, certainly."

"There is no harm in that, dear Monsieur Baisemeaux, only I would ask, why ask my address of Monsieur Fouquet?"

"That I might write to you."

"I understand," said Aramis, smiling, "but that is not what I meant; I do not ask you what you required my address for, I only ask why you should go to Monsieur Fouquet for it?"

"Oh!" said Baisemeaux, "as Belle-Isle is the property of Monsieur Fouquet, and as Belle-Isle is in the diocese of Vannes, and as you are bishop of Vannes ———"

"But, my dear Baisemeaux, since you knew I was bishop of Vannes, you had no occasion to ask Monsieur Fouquet for my address."

"Well, monsieur," said Baisemeaux, completely at bay, "if I have acted indiscreetly I beg your pardon most sincerely."

"Nonsense," observed Aramis calmly; "how can you possibly have acted indiscreetly?" And while he composed his face, and continued to smile cheerfully on the governor, he was considering how Baisemeaux, who was not aware of his address, knew, however, that Vannes was his residence.

"I will clear all this up," he said to himself; and then speaking aloud, added, "Well, my dear governor, shall we now arrange our little accounts?"

"I am at your orders, my lord; but tell me beforehand, my lord, whether you will do me the honor to breakfast with me as usual?"

"Very willingly indeed."

"That's well," said Baisemeaux, as he struck the bell before him three times.