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"To whom?"

"To madame."

"What do you mean?" said the duke, in astonishment.

"It is simple enough: madame is very probably jealous of the regard you are good enough to testify for me."

"Has she shown it to you?"

"Madame never addresses a syllable to me, particularly since a certain time."

"Since what time?"

"Since the time when, Monsieur de Guiche having made himself more agreeable to her than I could, she receives him at every and any hour."

The duke colored. "At any hour, chevalier; what do you mean by that?"

"You see, your highness, I have already displeased you; I was quite sure I should."

"I am not displeased; but you say things a little strong. In what respect does madame prefer De Guiche to you?"

"I shall say no more," said the chevalier, saluting the prince ceremoniously.

"On the contrary, I require you to speak. If you withdraw on that account you must indeed be very jealous."

"One cannot help being jealous, monseigneur, when one loves. Is not your royal highness jealous of madame? Would not your royal highness if you saw some one always near madame and always treated with great favor take umbrage at it? One's friends are as one's lovers. Your royal highness has sometimes conferred the distinguished honor upon me of calling me your friend."

"Yes, yes; but you used a phrase which has a very equivocal signification; you are unfortunate in your remarks."

"What phrase, monseigneur?"

"You said, 'treated with great favor.' What do you mean by favor?"

"Nothing can be more simple," said the chevalier with an expression of great frankness; "for instance, whenever a husband remarks that his wife summons such and such a man near her — whenever this man is always to be found by her side or in attendance at the door of her carriage; when- ever the bouquet of the one is always the same color as the ribbons of the other — when music and supper-parties are held in the private apartments — whenever a dead silence takes place immediately the husband makes his appearance in his wife's rooms — and when the husband suddenly finds that he has as a companion the most devoted and kindest of men,

Dumas — Vol. XV