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"But Monsieur passes his life in looking at his face in the glass, and in plotting all sorts of spiteful things against women with the Chevalier de Lorraine."

"Oh, you are going somewhat too far."

"I only say what is the fact. Do you observe for yourself, sire, and you will see that I am right."

"I will observe; but in the meantime, what satisfaction can I give my brother?"

"My departure."

"You repeat that word," exclaimed the king imprudently, "as if, during the last ten minutes, such a change had been produced that madame would have had all her ideas on the subject thoroughly changed."

"Sire, I cannot be happy here any longer," she said. "Monsieur de Guiche annoys Monsieur. Will h§ be sent away, too?"

"If it be necessary, why not?" replied the king, smiling.

"Well; and after Monsieur de Guiche — whom, by the bye, I shall regret — I warn you, sire."

"Ah, you will regret him?"

"Certainly; he is amiable; he has a great friendship for me, and he amuses me."

"If Monsieur were only to hear you," said the king, slightly annoyed, "do you know I would not undertake to make it up again between you; nay, I would not even attempt it."

"Sire, can you, even now, prevent Monsieur from being jealous of the first person who may approach? I know very well that Monsieur de Guiche is not the first."

"Again: I warn you that as a good brother I shall take a dislike to De Guiche."

"Ah, sire, do not, I entreat you, adopt either the sympathies or the dislikes of Monsieur. Remain the king; far better for yourself and for every one else."

"You jest most charmingly, madame; and I can well understand how those whom you attack must adore you."

"And is that the reason why you, sire, whom I had regarded as my defender, are about to join those who persecute me?" said madame.

"I your persecutor! Heaven forbid!"

"Then," she continued, languishingly, "grant me a favor."

"Whatever you wish."

"Let me return to England."

"Never, never!" exclaimed Louis XIV.