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"I have perhaps misunderstood your majesty," he stammered out.

The king turned his head slightly, and with a cold and stern glance, which plunged like a sword relentlessly into the hearts of those under disgrace, repeated:

"I said retire to your estates;" and allowing every syllable to fall slowly, one by one.

A cold perspiration bedewed the comte's face, his hands convulsively opened, and his hat, which he held between his trembling fingers, fell to the ground. Louis sought his mother's glance as though to show her that he was master; he sought his brother's triumphant look, as if to ask him if he were satisfied with the vengeance taken; and, lastly, his eyes fell upon madame; but the princess was laughing and smiling with Mme. de Noailles. She had heard nothing, or rather had pretended not to hear at all. The Chevalier de Lorraine looked on also, with one of those looks of settled hostility which seemed to give to a man's glance the power of a lever when it raises an obstacle, wrests it away, and casts it to a distance. M. de Guiche was left alone in the king's cabinet, the whole of the company having departed. Shadows seemed to dance before his eyes. He suddenly broke through the fixed despair which overwhelmed him, and flew to hide himself in his own rooms, where Raoul awaited him, confident in his own sad presentiments.

"Well?" he murmured, seeing his friend enter, bare-headed, with a wild gaze and tottering gait.

"Yes, yes, it is true," said De Guiche, unable to utter more, and falling exhausted upon the couch.

"And she?" inquired Raoul.

"She!" exclaimed his unhappy friend, as he raised his hand, clinched in anger, toward heaven. "She ——"

"What did she say and do?"

"She said that her dress suited her admirably, and then she laughed."

A fit of hysteric laughter seemed to shatter his nerves, for he fell backward, completely overcome.