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explain to you how it was that I have not offended you of my own accord."

"In the first place," said the king, "in what way can you possibly have ofl'ended me? I cannot perceive how. Surely not on account of a young girl's harmless and very innocent jest? You turned the credulity of a young man into ridi- cule — it was very natural to do so; any other woman in your place would have done the same."

"Oh! your majesty overwhelms me by your remark."

"Why so?"

"Because, if I had been the author of the jest, it would not have been innocent."

"Well, is that all you had to say to me in soliciting an audience?" said the king, as though about to turn away. Thereupon La Valliere, in an abrupt and broken voice, her eyes dried up by the fire of her tears, made a step toward the king, and said:

"Did your majesty hear everything?"

"Everything — what?"

"Everything I said beneath the royal oak."

"I did not lose a syllable."

"And when your majesty heard me, you were able to think I had abused your credulity?"

"Credulity? Yes, indeed, you have selected the very word." "And your majesty did not suppose that a poor girl like myself might possibly be compelled to submit to the will of others?" "Forgive me," returned the king; "but I shall never be able to understand that she, who, of her own free will, could express herself so unreservedly beneath the royal oak, would allow herself to be influenced to such an extent by the direction of others." "But the threat held out against me, sire." "Threat I who threatened you — wdio dared to threaten you?" "They who have the right to do so, sire." "I do not recognize any one as possessing the right to threaten in my kingdom." "Forgive me, sire; but near your majesty even there are persons sufficiently high in position to have, or to believe that they possess, the right of injuring a young girl without fortune and possessing only her reputation." "In what way injure her?" "In depriving her of her reputation, by disgracefully ex- pelling her from the court."